One week until….

Not that I follow Joe Biden because really is it about him? Or just people hating Trump so bad that they’re willing to vote for Biden even if it costs us our country? Anyways I watch both sides because I’m not consumed with hate therefore I’m confident in the truth and not shaken by the lies. However, I’ve always wondered why Joe? Why? He is tired, incapable, full of nonsense, empty, uncaring, selfish, angry, prideful and has just come completely undone!

Then I get something from his “site” making all these promises he could have fulfilled in the last 47 years so all the sudden I see what I’ve been praying to understand (so I had to post it of course🙄😂) and it boils down to this:

“I’ve often wondered why you are running Joe and now I see it’s to protect your family! Problem is we’re all going to go to hell if you win! Guess who you’re going to see soon? Satan! And who will you save? No one!”

Do I usually waste time on BS? NO! But I’m telling you all I care about is this nation will either temporarily be under distress or forever be under distress depending on who you vote for! Please vote out of love not hatred!❤️

Why have I been up all night? I’m praying! We have 1 week! Am I fearful Hell to the No! Am I excited? Yes! Because God’s will will be done!

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