A fountain of cascading light – that where I was today!👍🤗🥳🥰🤩

Well since I seem to have followers I should make it worth following me if I’m suppose to do as Jesus does… and since this day was spectacular what better place to share…❤️

So today I started putting to practice everything I’ve been learning… I started the day plugging into God… I added reading some things on this site and found plugging into like minded people is also important ..❤️ I put on the armor of God and felt right!😁🤗

This lady came in with 4:20 on her shirt… I told her I liked it… I felt completely free of judgement because I have experienced the benefits of it! She felt it and it caused her to open up to me… she expressed how she’s felt judged all her life… I told her that we are the one’s that judge ourselves and once we let go of that other people’s judgements don’t matter. we can’t cash checks for dispensaries so I apologized for not being able to help her and she said she was meant to have come in and was so thankful. What stunned me is how I felt I was right there with her dancing in a fountain of cascading light… it was refreshing.🥳 It energized me enough to wanna stay there.

So another lady comes and I’m learning to speak with my heart vs my head… so there is no filter and because I meet a person where they are at there is no fear…I told her that she needs to know that she’s right where she’s meant to be… that she hates it but if she embraces it she will bring healing to her whole family. She says with tears flowing that she has goosebumps all over because she knew it was God. I had them too and they are my favorite thing because I know God’s in the room.🥳 She expressed how her dad and mom are living with her and how difficult he is… I told her it’s his own insecurities and because he bullies her she let’s him snuff out her light… how my dad did the same thing but once I stopped allowing it to have an effect on me and responded differently he was able to see my heart just like I was able to see his and healing came. ❤️ She expresses how her son is becoming a bully because of how mean her dad is to him and how he’s over weight and teased at school. I told her she needs to teach him vs shield him… I learnt I had two choices in life when facing this…to change or accept… if I didn’t want to change I needed to stand confident in it. She expressed how her mom works herself to death… I told her it’s when we give into the pressure we lose ourselves… it’s when we do our best and leave the rest that God shows up and it all becomes ok because people see and know. She looks at me and tells me that I’m suppose to be here… I have heard that so often but I saw today why… because I’ve finally learned how to get out of the way and let God do what He needs and I must say it’s absolutely delightful!🥳 You know how many times I thought the conversation should go a different direction? But I just went were God leaded me and in the end it all made sense!❤️ I love Him!❤️

What was nice and didn’t block anything was there was no politics involved and it was refreshing because we were able to focus on who we need to be at this time… but I do wanna say I have a feeling this is how it will end… it will all make sense… and people have had time to prepare…they have seen a need to change and they will be ready to see what will be hard to see… and they will be prepared to deal with it correctly because God is at work that’s why the forces are freaking out… all will be well if we’re well with our souls!❤️